song & album production ::
production rates vary per project.
contact me to discuss a rate! -
audio recording ::
$60 - 75 /hr sliding scale
rate depends on your ability to pay.
this includes use of my studio space, my presence & participation with engineering & production, & use of my recording gear & instruments. you can also pee in my toilet! (pooping costs extra) & pet my cats! -
audio mastering ::
$40 - 65 /track sliding scale
rate depends on your ability to pay.
this includes 24-bit/44.1 kHz WAV or AIFF masters, processed & prepared for playback, as well as mp3s for casual listening. -
lessons ::
$30 - 40 /half-hour sliding scale
rate depends on your ability to pay.
lessons offered: piano, guitar, bass, banjo, voice, trumpet, cornet, songwriting, composing, production, mixing, mastering.
_ instruments
- hardman peck minipiano upright piano
- hammond s6 chord organ
- magnus reed organs
- korg ms-20 mini
- korg volca beats, keys, bass
- casio sk-1, mt-series, cz-3000 keyboards
- yamaha pss series keyboard
- gretsch catalina club drum set
- squier classic vibe series jazz bass
- squier jagmaster
- various string, wind, percussion, keyboard, etc. instruments
_ microphones
- cad m179 variable pattern condenser mics
- little blondie omni condense mics
- naiant x-o omni condenser mics
- naiant x-r variable pattern condenser mic
- naiant x-y variable pattern stereo condenser mics
- shure beta 52a dynamic mic
- shure sm7b dynamic mic
- shure sm57/58 dynamics mics
- warm audio wa-87 cardioid condenser mic
_ etc.
- behringer u-phoria umc1820 interface
- and behringer ada8200 interface [total 16 in]
- cockos reaper
- ableton live 9

"Provo, UT has no shortage of quality studios. June Audio, Pleasant Pictures, Noisebox, Bone Shack. But one in particular has played a key role over the last few years in shaping an emerging alternative scene: Studio Studio Dada. The brainchild of producer [bly wallentine], the studio has hosted live concerts, provided musical training to aspiring musicians, promoted social change and acceptance, and churned out an impressive number of sound recordings since it opened in October, 2013...In [wallentine]’s time here, they have welcomed touring acts from places like the eastern US and Buenos Aires, Argentina. The studio has also sponsored and promoted regular shows featuring female and non-binary fronted bands...Studio Studio Dada encouraged pushing boundaries and embracing unbridled creativity...[wallentine] and Dada had a remarkable influence. A fearless confidence and willingness to accept others for who they are and their art for what it is...It’s important to note that Studio Studio Dada wasn’t all social activism and optimistic music theory. It was a practical studio that put out solid work. [wallentine] as a producer has engineered, mixed, and mastered over 40 EPs and albums and hundreds of one-off tracks from artists like Quiet House, Sen Wisher, and Bat Manors...Out of all the studios in Provo, [wallentine]’s will stand out for being unique. Dada has left its mark."
zach collier, reach provo
"Since starting their own recording studio, Studio Studio Dada, out of their home last year, [bly wallentine]...has become one of the go-to producers for myriad local D.I.Y. musicians."
court mann, daily herald
"[bly wallentine], who runs Studio Studio Dada, produced the album. While [wallentine]’s production work is known for being more experimental, they led the charge to keep this album simple and organic. Much of it was recorded live — it often sounds like you’re sitting in a single room with the band members as they play."
court mann, daily herald
"[wallentine]'s studio, Studio Studio Dada, has become one of Provo's best spots for recording and concerts. There's an intimate, creative, exploratory energy in that space -- as well as a smorgasbord of unique instruments and gear. Being there just brings out the creative side in you."
court mann, daily herald
"[bly] is one of the best musicians, producers and engineers I’ve ever met. I felt super comfortable with ideas and working on everything with them. Traditional studios are pretty meticulous with zooming in on the second-by-second details. But we would get to the point where mistakes or not-so-great takes or sounds became the best parts in a song. (Life lesson alert.) I think that process has helped me be more excited about my weaknesses as a musician—those are the things that make me stand out musically more than my strengths."
ben swisher of sen wisher, city weekly
contact us!
if you're interested in booking time at studio studio dada or hiring bly for mixing/arranging/producing/mastering work, send an email to bly@studiostudiodada.com with your name, an explanation of your project, your projected timeframe, etc.
bly will get back to you within a day or two!